尝试理解Roy Fielding dissertation


Representational State Transfer这个词组非常晦涩难懂,直接翻译的话,“表现层状态转移”,根本不知道在说什么。

看了一遍论文有了大概理解。那就是一个系统有很多状态,状态之间可以发生转换(virtual “state-machine”),同时用户可以观察到这些状态在表现层的形态。




C/S、Stateless、Cache都是REST架构提出的constraint。constraints集合形成了架构风格。(dissertation 5.1.2-5.1.4)




Uniform interfaces

Perhaps one of the most fundamental aspects of RESTful systems is the uniform interface, a way to decouple and simplify application architecture so that each component can develop and change on its own. There are four, further constraints involved in uniform interfaces:

  • Requests must contain resource identifiers. As an example, a URI can be contained in a request to enable the resource to be identified. Note that, conceptually, resources are distinct from the results that are returned to a client. For example, no matter what the server’s own method of storing data is, the data sent in answer to a request could be sent as anything from XML to HTML or even JSON.
  • Representations can manipulate resources. Clients might hold a representation of a specific resource – and this could contain metadata. This information is sufficient for the client to be able to change the resource, or to delete the resource.
  • Messages are self-descriptive. Every message sent under a RESTful architecture will contain sufficient information for the recipient to be able to process the message – as an example, a message can use a media type to specify which parser should be used.
  • HATEOAS. Short for “hypermedia as the engine of the application state”, this principle is just like a human having access to the home page of a specific website. The client should then have the option to make use of links provided by the server so that it can automatically understand which activities and resources it will require.


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